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Ordering through Social Media

To order. follow the steps below.

  1. Write down your Child's Name and contact information

  2. Take a photo

  3. Send it to us by any one of the above social platforms at (+65) 9044-2852 

Please use the following format;

  • Child's Name

  • Type of Book (Bespoke / Standard / Revised / Wipeable / My Chinese Name), Gender for Bookcover (Male / Female) 

  • Name

  • Email

  • Contact Number

  • Mailing Address 

  • Payment Methods (Credit Card, Paynow, Internet Banking) 

Currently Credit Card is the only form of payment accepted for orders outside of Singapore


(Child's Name)

Standard, Female

Jane Doe

+65 xxxx-xxxx

123 XYZ Lane #xx-xxxx,  S(xxxxxx), Singapore


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in Singapore since 2004

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